The Secret World


AW: The Secret World

TSW auf den 3.Juli verschoben, begruendet mit besseren Marktbedingungen mit dem neuen Termin :

eine Analyse aus dem engl. Forum :

"Details on TSW Delay from the Quarterly Report
I realize that not everyone will see or take time to read Funcom's quarterly report. Seeing as there is no official response to the delay on the forums as of this posting, I thought I would summarize the relevant data from the report. All of this info can be found directly in the quarterly report, but for those who don't read it here are the noteworthy pieces (assuming no one here was eagerly awaiting an update on Fashion Week Online):

-First off the bat, TSW launch has been pushed back two weeks. Head-start will now begin June 29th, while the game will launch on July 3rd.

-Contrary to what has been suggested, the game is not being delayed for polish reasons. (Though an extra two weeks certainly won't hurt)

-Funcom has recently acquired a $22 million Standby Equity Facility, which is the reason for the delay. Basically, a SEF is an agreement Funcom has made with a private company to sell them discounted stock at Funcom's timed discretion without going through a second public offering. It's more complicated than that, but the central point is that Funcom has obtained some extra cash and they feel an extra two weeks of increased marketing prior to launch will help the game's long-term prospects.

-Funcom has a vested interest in the success of TSW. They've lost money for the last three quarters, and are counting on TSW's performance to lift them back to profitability.*

-The company's target subscriber rate is approximately half a million subscribers. They hope to have 35% of the game's revenue come from the cash shop.*

-If these goals are met, TSW would have a 53% profit margin and draw in $157 million in the first year. To illustrate this number, Funcom had about $2.3 million in revenue last quarter.

-If TSW performs closer to AOC, then it can still remain profitable at $100 million in the first year if 280,000 subscribers are retained.

-Lastly, they reiterated that the character creator, animations, grouping and combat impact are currently the primary development focus alongside bug fixes and polish.

The entire presentation can be read here:*"


AW: The Secret World

Jepp, aber das war der Punkt, wo ich nicht weiterkam, da musste ich ein wenig recherchieren, deshalb ist dieses Rätsel auch nicht ohne Hilfe von mir gelöst worden.
Und das, wo ich Enigmen doch so mag ~schniff~


New Member
AW: The Secret World

Infos zum Release und zu den Beta Terminen :
Funcom today announced that the company has made a small adjustment to the release date for The Secret World. Due to market reasons, the ship date has been moved by two weeks to July 3rd, with Early Access starting June 29th. The new launch date places The Secret World in a more positive launch window which will benefit the launch of the game.

We are also excited to share with you the dates and content of the remaining Beta Weekends!

The third Beta Weekend, titled 'Hell Raised', will begin on June 15th and run until June 17th. In this Beta Weekend players will be able to experience the Illuminati and Dragon starter experiences as well as the Templar experience. Players will also get to leave Kingsmouth and venture into the massive region known as Savage Coast, where they will soon find that the very gates of hell itself have opened up! This will allow players to experience the epic 'Hell Raised' dungeon where you will have to battle the demons of hell itself! and played through the 'Hell Raised' dungeon recently, and judging from their previews they had a hell of a good time. You can check out their impressions here.

The fourth and final Beta Weekend will begin on June 22nd and run until June 24th. This event will focus on the player vs. player experience in The Secret World, and players will get to sample both the Eldorado battlefield experience as well as the massive warzone gameplay where over a hundred players clash together in persistent battle. Here the Illuminati, the Templars and the Dragon will get to duke it out and hone their battle skills on each other before the real conflict begins when Early Access opens on June 29th.

See you in The Secret World soon!


AW: The Secret World

Da hat wohl Diablo dazwischen gefunkt.
Mal sehn, ob sie es vor GW2 schaffen :P


New Member
AW: The Secret World

Uih..also die Chemikalie war ja auch einfach zu rauszufinden. Aber die Clearance lebe copy & paste :) Clearance ID invalid...grr....aber geschafft :)


AW: The Secret World

~lacht~ Für alle, denen die Zahl 33 auf der Funcomseite etwas sagt, die Runen sind nun anklickbar. Das Rätsel der Illuminati geht genau dort weiter.
Wer den ersten Test bestanden hat und sich auf seine Mail freute , wird dort weiter seine Zähne knirrschen und seine Köpfe rauchen lassen.
Viel Glück uns...wir können es brauchen.

Edit: Erstes Siegel gebrochen
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


New Member
AW: The Secret World

Ja habe die Mail vom den blackwatchmen gerade gelesen. Aber frühestens heute abend. Schicke Frau im Video :)


AW: The Secret World

Knobel jetzt schon einige Zeit am ersten Siegel, aber es ist diesmal gaaaaaaaaar nicht einfach.
Langsam raucht mir schon der Kopf und das Verlangen steigt, die offizielle Homepage zu Rate zu ziehen.
Aber...aber ich bleib standhaft ~nick nick~


AW: The Secret World

das ding mit den ominoesen Beschriftungen?

da bin ich durch und sehe ausnahmsweise sogar mal einen bunten Hintergrund fuers Raetsel :) (*schoene Gruesse aus dem Buero* und geht gleich auf Paty :) )


AW: The Secret World

Ja, das Ding zu öffnen ist keine ist schwer es zu lösen.
Aber, ich habe es geschafft. Eigentlich hatte ich den Schlüssel auch in der Hand. Hier war es wieder einmal eine Kleinigkeit, die mich davon abhielt, es GANZ alleine zu schaffen ~zugeb~
Seal 2 kommt erst am 1. Juni, also haben wir noch Zeit *g*

Ich liebe die ARG von Funcom. Seeehr genial ~süchtig werden könnte~


AW: The Secret World

Am WE ist es ja wieder soweit - leider hatte ich durch GW2-Beta und anderes keine Zeit mehr fuer die ARGs :(
The third Beta Weekend for The Secret World starts on June 15th, and for nearly three days you will get explore and enjoy even more of the game than ever before. In this Beta Weekend you get to play as Dragon, Templars and Illuminati, and sample the starter experience in the Seoul, London and New York hub cities.

Your adventures will also take you beyond Kingsmouth and into a massive new region known as The Savage Coast. Here you will soon discover that the very gates of hell have opened up, inviting you into an epic dungeon experience known as 'Hell Raised'. But that's not the only dungeon available; a wrecked supertanker known as 'The Polaris' has been spotted off the coast of Solomon Island, and both challenges and awesome loot awaits in this amazing outdoor dungeon.

The Secret World Beta Weekend #3: Hell Raised starts on June 15th at 9am PDT (16:00 GMT / noon EDT) and lasts until June 17th at 11.59pm PDT (Monday June 18th, 06:59 GMT / 2.59am EDT).

See you in hell!"


AW: The Secret World


ist eigentlich bei wem schon der Pre-Order-Beitrag eingezogen worden? Bei mir steht da immer noch "Bezahlung abwickeln", aber kein Button zum bezahlen da.


AW: The Secret World

mmmh, k.

Da ich mein AoC-Konto (mit KKarte) genommen habe, steht da immer noch "pending". Aber Katze, Item und Grandmaster Pack sind angezeigt. Und in der Beta bin ich ja auch, bis zum WE.

Wollen wir mal mit neuen Chars die Illus antesten?