Darkfall New Dawn in den Startlöchern


Jup für die nächsten 40.000 dann nen erhöhter Preis allerdings nicht direkt 40 Euro sondern linear oder wahrcheinlich in Stufen ala 25 Euro für die nächsten 10k dann 30 Euro etc..
Ich fänds allerdings schon gut wenn 10-20.000 das Spiel subscriben würden dann wär die Karte gut belebt bzw dann macht das Spiel auch richtig Spaß.

Geplant sind dann auch Trials und Promotions aber das ist eh erst was für in nem Jahr und später;).

Und vor allem würde es den Devs auch gut Geld bescheren und somit der Entwicklung gut tun. Ich glaube das 20 Euro Paket werde ich mir direkt besorgen, falls mir Vanilla Darkfall gut gefällt.


Die müssen ja nicht gleich Dx 11 einbauen;). Hab das so verstanden, dass nun erstmal ansteht die Serverinfrastruktur und Entwicklungsumgebung so einzurichten das es mit dem alten Code kompatibel ist. Dann noch das anpassen des Account Management Systems und halt Quality Assurance(das könnte jenachdem welche Probleme auftreten dochnoch Zeit fressen).
Die Aktualisierungen des ganzen bzw refactoring wird denke ich mal dann als Hintergrundtask laufen bzw sich über mehrere Monate hinziehen, ist aber fürs aufsetzen des Stress Test Server keine Notwendigkeit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Na mal sehn,ist ja auch nicht so als wenn ich Ahnung von der Materie hätte und meine zeitliche Vorstellung begründen könnte.
Es ist nur so ,das bei den Spielen die ich in den letzten Jahren gezockt habe, zumeist alle patches und Verbesserungen so lange haben auf sich warten lassen.
Von daher wäre ich selbst mit 6 Monaten bis Streß Test zufrieden ;) Bis jetzt bin ich jedenfalls positiv überrascht wie alles läuft bei New Dawn.:-)

Und es gibt kein Spiel welches ich lieber nochmal mit dir und BdW spielen würde als Darkfall.
Für mich das Beste aller Spiele.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Bin gespannt ob sie alles umsetzen wie sie sich das vorstellen. Vor allem die Serverperformance bei mehreren hundert Spielern wird der Knackpunkt. Hat bisher kein Spiel, außer PS2, auch nur ansatzweise hinbekommen.



und aus dem Forum noch auf die Frage ob es schon im Februar released wird ;)
February is very optimistic, it will most likely be after mid March.
To give you an idea of the sheer size of the task: we had to patch and reconfigure our code review tool to handle the number of files Darkfall has. It would crash or make our browsers crash initially. That error message of around 25k lines ... priceless!

Mit der Serverperformance bei Sieges, damals sind die Server ja teils in die Knie gebrochen wenn mehrere wirklich größere Sieges gleichzeitig liefen. Sind aber ja auch paar Jahre inzwischen vergangen, also mal sehen wie das ganze nun mit aktuellerer Serverhardware ausschaut.


Zitat New Dawn :

We have a working standalone version of the game, (that feeling when you officially hear the login sound again after years.:xyxthumbs:
We found the “help me” sound!:D

Das geht ja gut voran bei denen, sehr schön.
Also vielleicht schon in nem Monat probespielen,das wäre klasse :sword:


Neues Dev Update und nen erstes Video:

Dazu aus dem Forum noch paar Kommentare von den Devs
Ub3rgames schrieb:
Definitely not days. Most likely weeks, but perhaps months if we discover many more issues.
This is why we have the beta watch newsletter, for people to relax, go on with their lives, and some day get an email when we open the servers.
But you are more than welcome to hang out here in the meantime, discussing suggestions and stay tuned each week as we progress.

Ub3rgames schrieb:
The upgrade to dx11 and a newer versions of java are independent to the release of the InDev server. They are behind the scenes projects we plan to do in parallel of our Feature updates.
What we need to do now are mostly related to server configuration and client packaging. We also have some bugs we noticed we need to solve before any kind of public releases.

Depending on how QA goes, it could be a few weeks out, or more if we uncover additional issues.
As we said, we are keeping you posted with the exact situation, you guys know as much as we do.
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Road to release #5
March 15, 2016 Ubergames

Greetings former and future denizens of Agon.

This week’s post won’t be as exciting as last week’s video, but we’ve done some much needed technological progress.
We are starting to get into a good routine and we are reaching our cruise speed. We are now very familiar with the code and architecture and work is getting smoother every day.

What we have done:

  • We found the projectile issue. It isn’t solved yet but we managed to circumvent it. It doesn’t cause a crash anymore, but it needs a lot more testing to be sure.
  • Packaging wise, we have managed to get the archive creation process to mostly work the way we wanted. It takes hours to run and results in the sfdata files you may be familiar with.
  • We did find a few bugs in the archiving process, we are investigating them to see how critical it may be to game stability.
  • As expected, we ran into our first actual problems when we were deploying the InDev servers. The jump to more recent architectures and compilers made some of the code no longer compatible. We have started adapting it.
  • We’ve done progress on our first few patches. We seem to be on track to have a small patch during the stress test period.
  • Our refactor team is moving along slowly but surely. Their work is long term and will arrive throughout the InDev period, and is not conditional for opening servers.
What’s next:

  • Test client stability internally, especially with the issues mentioned above. It is still unknown what kind of impact they will have in a longer test phase.
  • Get the old code obfuscation to work and improve upon it. This will be the first baby step of our ongoing anti cheat plan.
  • Complete the changes to the server code in order to run on more recent architecture and software. Then extensively test it.
  • We are missing two key elements for a release: web interfaces and the lobby. They are scheduled to arrive soon, and we’ll then need to adapt them to our needs.
  • Practice PvP before we do any more videos.
As you can see, we are entirely focused on our server installation and distribution of the client.
To go into more details regarding our InDev servers, we had several theoretical choices available to us for the InDev platform:

  • Purchase old hardware at a used vendor.
  • Compile in a “generic” way.
  • Adapt the code to new platforms.
We made the choice to adapt the code to software and hardware upgrades early on rather than deploy on legacy platforms because it is the best approach on the long term. It will also give us more time to test the results and fine tune them before Live launch.
With a game like Darkfall, “real time combat” is not just a buzzword and we consider performances to be critical.

Old hardware is not really an option as most vendors do not carry 10 years old servers anymore. It may even cost us more than recent servers and would not allow us to improve upon Darkfall as it was in 2012. To compile the code in a generic way would mean degrading performances to be bellow 2012 standards.
Which only leaves us with the option to adapt the code to compile and be optimized for the server’s target architecture.

To explain: it means we are switching to a new processor architecture and compiler. The code had some intrinsec calls from an older era, and while we could just downgrade everything to match the code, we feel it would be better to bring it forward. It requires us to do some digging around and upgrade the obsolete parts, but it will be worth the efforts. Just the basic installation, properly adapted and configured, should be an upgrade over DFO in 2012.

The silver lining here is that it allows us to leverage the experience of our team members to support our game design in the long run.
The positive is that we should gain noticeable increases in performances both software optimization wise and hardware improvement wise without any actual refactors, leaving our refactor team free to improve the client (DX11/Java upgrades). This will also give us the computational budget to run the more complex calculations our planned features will require, such as the engagement system or moving more calculations server side to reduce cheating.

We anticipated that we would have to do these changes and took them into account with our early estimates. After all, our plan was always to bring Darkfall into a new decade. This means that so far, it seems like we are remaining in our estimated timeline, so time to market is unchanged.
Having found our cruise speed is a very good thing. Velocity is an important metric for us that should allow us to make better long term estimates for the overall project.

We hope you enjoyed us sharing information on our technical choices, and as usual, we’ll keep you posted of our progress in real time. See you next week.

Link to discussion thread.


Road to release #6
March 22, 2016 Ubergames

Greetings former and future denizens of Agon.

In this week’s post we have some good news.
We received today what we believe are the final packages necessary to really test Darkfall. We still need to peel thoroughly every layer of that onion, so there is a LOT more work to be done, but if everything goes fine, it is now up to us to get things going. More packages are still going to come in, but we now have the strict minimum for a stress test.

On that front, we now have our InDev infrastructure configured and running, and once we have validated and integrated the new packages, we’ll consider that we have a working product to sell and open the shop. We expect this to take at least a few more weeks, but we are getting close.

What we have done:

  • We have our full InDev server infrastructure deployed and going under QA.
  • We completed the changes necessary to compile the server side with the latest version of ICC, which should provide improved performances over Darkfall 2012 as it is optimized for our targeted architecture.
  • On the client side, we have also upgraded to the latest version of compilers, we still need to test for side effects.
  • We continue our drive to increase the team size, and have conducted more technical interviews. No new hires yet, we’re waiting for the right ones.
  • The behind the scenes ground work for our early planned updates has been done. We will now switch to implementing features with our new tools.
  • Client distribution wise, we fixed most of the bugs with the client side archiving. Still some kinks to iron out but we’re nearly there.
What’s next:

  • With the lobby and patcher now in our hands, we need to validate and then adapt them to our infrastructure. The goal is to ensure a smooth direct download experience for our users.
  • We also need to integrate the web interfaces and see if there are ways that we can make it less laggy on the server side, or if the issues were client side.
  • We were provided with almost a hundred tools, we have to sift through all of them individually to check which ones are useful, which ones are obsolete and which ones need to be fixed.
  • We need to setup our hardware, and more importantly, software monitoring tools.
  • We need to get the client ready to install. Which depends on our archiving task and validation tasks to be completed. This won’t be trivial.
  • And then let you guys play.
As we touched on last week, we made choices to go straight to upgrading the code and tools to more recent technology, and we are glad this worked out.
Just switching to the latest version of Intel’s C++ compiler should provide a great boost in performances for the computational heavy aspects of the game which are by design in the C++ parts. Since our servers will all have the same architecture, we can go deep into target specific optimizations and try to make room for our future features without impacting performances.
On the client side, we should gain some performances too by using the latest versions of compilers, but what has the most value is our gains in productivity. By adapting and upgrading to newer tools, we’ll be able to develop with all the ease of access invented since.

Another topic we would like to delve a bit deeper is on package deliveries and the “inventory” tasks we’ve talked about since our first dev diary.
As it was to be expected with a legacy codebase coded over a period of more than a decade, there are a lot of obsolete and untouched tools or aspects to go through. So our part of this process has been adapting and validating things as they came along. And this is fare from over, as there are new packages still coming in. This will remain an ongoing task for at least the coming weeks.

One of our goals is to open up servers as soon as possible for you guys to play, but it is not our highest priority.
The end goal is New Dawn being released as a fully functioning product, which means that as of now, most of our energy has been dedicated to working alongside Aventurine to validate packaging and making sure that what has been delivered is indeed in working condition. At a business level, it is critical for us to make sure we are receiving a full product before marketing it to our end users.

While we were at it, we took the opportunity to reap the low hanging fruits of upgrades. Understandably, there is a considerable technical debt, and we are trying to bridge the gap before getting into a production setup. It would be preferable to focus on features rather than changing our workflow every few weeks. We will really gain long term efficiency, and that is invaluable for a project slated to be worked on for well over a year.
This is a lengthy and necessary process, and it is actually impressive that we made so much progress in 6 weeks considering the limited resources both companies currently have at their disposal.

Another business critical task we have left to do is work on our monitoring tools.
The first step of our switch to a running product will be a stress test. While we already have all the hardware monitoring tools ready with our server provider, this is only a small part of what we need to gather data on. What needs to be done from scratch is software monitoring and recovery tools.
There is no point in us launching a stress test without the means to make the best use of it. We will also be working on our server side optimization and performances tools, so having in depth comparative metrics is necessary for us very early on. And of course, if it happens that you guys manage to crash the servers, we need to be able to relaunch them automatically in a non broken state.
Launching a commercial MMO without any of these tools setup would be, in our opinion, suicidal. As we often say, we are designing New Dawn for success, and we definitely hope that we’ll have a server that will need to be well tended to. And these tools will be expanded to become later on part of New Dawn’s feature set. First as gathering data for balancing purposes, but in the long run, as anti inflation and economy monitoring tools.

In short:
We cannot stress this enough, InDev’s launch will be in the same state than Darkfall 2012, which means that it will be very rocky. We are trying to minimize the time it will take us to fix the game’s issues.

And on a final note, now that we are getting close to reaching our InDev milestone, we can start bringing in more members of our team and find some new ones.
As you may already know, we chose to operate as a lean startup to minimize costs and ensure sustainability. The last thing we want is Darkfall to disappear again because we misused our budget, but we also do not want to have free labor.
Now that we can parallelize work better, we’ll start benefiting from having a larger team, so over the next few months our velocity should increase as additional team members switch to full time involvement and we complement our skillset with new hires.

We are living exciting times, and Darkfall being back is getting closer and closer. We hope you enjoyed this week’s update and see you next week for another progress update.

Link to discussion thread.


Und mal wieder ein Update:

Road to release #7 and why we are relaunching Darkfall
March 29, 2016

Greetings former and future denizens of Agon.

We have done some very positive progress this week and we confirmed that we now have a complete package for us to alpha test the game.
As we said last week, we believed we had all game components necessary to launch a stress test and market the game and we confirmed it during the week. As those that follow us for a long time already know, we wanted to make it certain that if we marketed the game on a store, it was because we had a full product and could announce a launch date we can meet. This is one more step completed on that road, but we still have a few more.

However, what this means is that it is up to us now, and to transform this in a viable product, we will be ramping up our efforts and invest even more in the game. We have recruited two new developers to widen our skill sets and are preparing our next steps.

All of this got us a bit philosophical. We have not talked about design or long term vision in a while. Now that the short term goals are getting close to completion, we feel it is time to discuss what this release means for us and for the Darkfall franchise as a whole.
But let’s start with our usual progress report.

What we have done:

  • The validation of all mandatory packages for our public stress test has been completed. We’ve got everything.
  • We adapted the lobby to our infrastructure.
  • We have solved some major roadblocks on the client archiving and installing process.
  • We started the integration of the web tools, such as clan management and the journal.
  • We recruited two new developers for the team. Their experience is in 3d engines and they will reinforce our skillset on that front.
What’s next:

  • There are still a few “blocking tasks” remaining for a server release.
  • We will start work on our infrastructure monitoring tools this week.
  • We do not have yet a full end to end process to download, install/patch and launch the game.
  • We have started work on the patch server and are experimenting with it to provide comfortable download speeds.
  • We have been rewriting the entire website to change the tone to address new players rather than players intimate with the game. We aim to complete this in time for the store opening.
  • Double down on our QA efforts to iron out any issues we can address before the stress test goes live.
Why are we relaunching Darkfall Online?

We noticed that the question is asked rather frequently. Why are we relaunching Darkfall and why do we think it could work out this time?
We have partially addressed this question in our FAQ, but we would like today to go more in depth on why Darkfall specifically.

In short, we recognize that Darkfall, as it was, is critically flawed, but we are confident we can solve these issues.

To us, this is not only about nostalgia but a matter of untapped potential that deserves to be brought to light.
Darkfall is unique and full of great ideas and really shined on the technological, world building and combat mechanics aspects. These are the reasons why it gathered a cult following and why even years later, players are still looking forward to its rerelease. Looking at it objectively, Darkfall is a diamond in the rough, but that has yet to be extracted from its mine.

However, Darkfall was crippled by critical issues, and while its concept had a wide appeal and is still without an equivalent in the market, most of the potential players were turned away by the implementation flaws present at launch and during its entire run. And even today the most common reaction to news regarding our relaunch is that unless xxx is fixed, players would not give it another shot. And as former players, we understand this, we’ve lived it, and we understand what the issues were.

What does this rerelease means for the Darkfall franchise?

To us, it means that Darkfall can finally reach its full potential.
Darkfall is a game that has a real soul and deep emotional appeal and it can now get a make over to also have superficial appeal and get new players to love it.
It means that this is a chance for Darkfall to be more than what it was and cement a lasting place in the MMO landscape.

For all those that still are on the fence, here are what you can expect New Dawn to become:

  • A Darkfall with less grind, as we’ll implement a system equivalent in purpose to a skill cap. (more on our title system)
  • A Darkfall that is more than a gankbox, as we’ll implement a very sturdy alignment system. (more on our alignment system)
  • A Darkfall with a working sandbox economy, as we’ll implement local banking and division of labor. (more on the economy)
  • A Darkfall with a fully fledged empire building, as we’ll add more tools to manage territory and interact with the world. (more on territory control)
We still need to prove ourselves as game developers, and show that we can make good on our promises, but we feel it is important to be very clear about our intents and long term direction. MMOs are not traditional one off products, they are meant as game development services, and we view it as our duty to let our customers know the future they are purchasing.
Not everything will be in at launch, but we hope to address the most critical aspects before launching a final world for players to invest their time in.

In conclusion: Darkfall as it used to be does not make sense to relaunch, but Darkfall New Dawn will make sense.

Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoyed this week’s update and see you next week.

Link to discussion thread.

Quelle: http://darkfallnewdawn.com/news/


Road to release #8
April 5, 2016 Ubergames

Greetings former and future denizens of Agon,

This week’s update is going to be about growth at all levels, be it at the project level as a company, but also within the game as a player or regarding game performances.
We have done some steady progress on our ongoing tasks and have put to work our new employees on improving the first impression a player would get when trying Darkfall for the very first time. We have also welcomed another new team member that will be dedicated to monitoring and metric analysis tools for our server infrastructure, and later, for balance and economy management systems. He will also be of great help for scalability and other server infrastructure improvements.

Overall, we’re on track with our expectations, now that we have the full source code we can progress unimpeded, and our velocity should only increase from now on since we can now legitimately parallelize our development efforts.

What we have done:

  • We have done a first iteration of hardware monitoring tools.
  • We have improved our deploy scripts and infrastructure to have several internal servers to increase our QA and continuous delivery abilities.
  • Progress on preparing the client’s distribution is slow but steady. The patch server is looking good, but we need to complete everything around it.
  • We had our new team members make a presentation on their first experience in game and start work on solving the issues they noticed.
  • Which means we have a very small but meaningful day one patch ready to go with only quality of life improvements.
  • We are continuing to grow our team, widening our skill sets to incorporate new resources that will be useful for the future.
What’s next:

  • Completing our blocking tasks to distribute the client. Sleep is optional until then.
  • We can now switch to work on software monitoring tools, in preparation for the stress test.
  • We will continue to work on our early patches, as it occurs in parallel with our InDev work.
  • We would like our website rewrite to come along some improvements, including a darker theme for the forums.
Growing the New Player experience:

This week, we’ve been asked on our forums about our intents regarding the tutorial and, in general, how we intend to make the game more accessible for new players. Which was coincidentally the theme of our week internally.

Last week was the first week of two of our new recruits, and their first task, once they got setup, was to just try out the game with a completely fresh eye.
They come from outside the Darkfall community and their gaming background is in games like Darksouls, hardcore hack and slashes and real time strategy games. These are no carebears, they just never got the chance to play Darkfall before. We made them note every little details that bugged them and prepare a presentation about how their first impression felt.

Their conclusion was: “If it wasn’t our job to try the game, we would have rage quited”.
Of course, this was to be expected, as even back in 2009 the game was already criticized as a very clunky experience, and nowadays in 2016 standards are much higher. On a positive note, they both recognized the potential of the game and are looking for more. The early quests actually were praised for how they show many aspects of the game and how the system was worth expanding upon. We have a tall task in front of us to smooth out the first impression a player has in our game. Which is why we assigned them, for now, on quality of life tasks. It is a great first dive into the code base for them, but also, who else but new players could be in charge of improving the new player experience?

This shouldn’t impact our early updates, since they are added resources, and there will be a bit of QOL in each patch, accompanying gameplay features that serve veteran players as well as newer players. We feel it will be a much welcome, if not necessary, bonus for our early roadmap.

Growing the game’s performances:

In the same vein of reacting to player comments, we’ve been asked about making a 32bit to 64bit change, and all we could say then was that we had to choose our battle, and that we chose dx11. We figured that it may be an interesting read to explain our motivation.

The first part is that server side, porting to 64bit is in our opinion not only useless, but also dangerous.
The main advantage of a 64bit architecture, and the one most commonly sought after, is the ability for programs to assign much more memory. The way the technology is setup, each physical machine hosts up to several dozens smaller programs that handle various specific tasks. The individual memory of each program doesn’t need to be that large, and it is better to increase the server performances by adding more hardware and spawn more copies of the software. At this point, we don’t even know what the bottlenecks are, and this will be the purpose of the stress test to determine.

As of the risks involved, you wouldn’t want one of these program to be able to grow and eat up all the physical memory of its host. It is better to have it crash when it reach its limit and not impact the rest of the cluster. Another risk is the need to upgrade to 64bit version of all libraries, which could potentially have a wide variety of side effects that would be very hard to pin point and not worth the efforts.

However, on the client side, there is a potential advantage to switch to 64bit.
As the overall assignable memory is shared between graphical memory and ram, memory can become a bottle neck. A bottleneck that is often handled by loading and unloading assets based on use, which contributes to the loadlag. But to make 64bit work, it wouldn’t be enough to just switch compilation flags, we would need to adapt all libraries and handle any potential side effects, then drastically change the way asset loading works in the game to see any benefits. This would require heavy changes for no guarantee of results.

Which is why we chose to go for dx11. By adapting from dx9 to dx11, for equivalent efforts, we would have guaranteed improved performances and at the same time access to improved graphics. It would also facilitate the parallel loading of assets which would alleviate the load lag too. In addition, from our investigation, it will most likely be better to refactor for multi threading before even considering a switch to 64bit.

We hope you enjoyed this week’s insight in our decision making. See you next week.

Link to discussion thread.


Road to release #10
April 19, 2016 Ubergames

Greetings former and future denizens of Agon,

This week’s update goes over what is left for us before the public stress testing and our progress regarding the interface and QOL.
We’ve focused on our internal QA and stress testing to have a launch as smooth as possible. The goal being to have our infrastructure be as ready as it can be. It is very likely we’ll have new players trying out the game for the first time and it is important that they get in game without frustrations.

To that end, we addressed one of the bottlenecks we found last week by refining our infrastructure layout to distribute load better, and are still working on getting a distributed patching server to accommodate a fully public stress test. While we were at it, we also prepared automatic recovery and deployment tools in case things do go awry.

Meanwhile, on the feature side of things, we have continued our efforts to improve the new player experience, and have also some much requested features for veteran players with multibind hotbar slots and a refactor of the audio engine to load sounds asynchronously.

What we have done:

  • Stress tested individual parts of our infrastructure.
  • Addressed the bottlenecks at the server layout level and improved load distribution.
  • Implemented a good portion of the monitoring tools for the public stress testing.
  • Tested our backup/restore systems to improve our recovery time in case of failures.
  • Refactored the audio engine to load sounds asynchronously. This should improve client lag.
  • Implemented automatic recovery scripts for individual nodes crashing.
  • Implemented some feature enhancing the interface and the new player experience.
What’s next:

  • We have solutions for the software bottlenecks that we can solve quickly, and we’ve started implementing them. Work in progress.
  • We need to test load on our patch server, we are still working on having it be distributed.
  • We’ll need to feature freeze patch 1 in order to QA it before public stress test.
New player experience improvements:

As we’ve said last week, we went through all skills and are trying to reduce the amount of redundant ones that would end up being at 100 on any characters, regardless of playstyles. Leveling an ability for hours is ok, because you chose to use that ability, but having to level a passive resistance skill because it is mandatory is not.
The idea here is that we want to reduce the grind that is not the consequence of a choice. This will allow us to revert the leveling speed to something closer to the original launch and have a long term player progression, but one that is not frustrating to go through.
The end result should be the best of both worlds.

The effects of the following skills will be baseline for all characters, as if they had the skill at 100:

  • Acrobatics
  • Crouch walk
  • Diving
  • Jump
  • Rest
  • Riding
  • Run
  • Sprint
  • Survivalist
  • Swimming
  • Spotter
They will also no longer raise attributes, which means that afk swimming is gone for ever. Attributes will have to be raised either through meditation, or by using future features to raise skill up modifier in fights.

We’ve also removed the following protection passive skills as all they did was funnel players in a “grinding state of mind”:

  • Constitution
  • Defense
  • Fortitude
  • Ignore pain
  • Reflex
  • Rigor
  • Willpower
As a side benefit of all these removals, it simplifies greatly some calculations by removing requests and checks, and even if it is very small individually, it still adds up to increase our budget on the server side for complex features. But more importantly, no more blood walls or acid pools, and we now have to find a better reason to fight brownies.

Interface improvements:

Since last week, we’ve completed and polished our first iteration of the vital stats window.

Here are few examples, from the most information, to the clearest, purest form.

We’ve also improved the hotbar functionalities to have multibinding slots:

Now you can select in one key press a sword and shield, a staff and spell, or a weapon + shield + default ability. Of course, this is work in progress as we will have to work on the clarity and polish of it all, but this will go a long way in removing the need to use scripts to play Darkfall.

See you next week!

Link to discussion thread.