Offizieller Post bzgl. Beta-Ende/head start event und Servern


Im offiziellen Forum hat sich jetzt Satine zum Ende der Beta, genauen Beginn des head start events und den zuerst, bzw. zuletzt ( 17.3. ) verfügbaren Servern geäußert.
Für den deutsch/französischen head start werden 2 Server reserviert, nämlich Dorn und Onatar.
Hier die Originalmitteilung:

Hi folks,

I have some important information for you and am putting it all into this one thread.

First of all, today is the last full day of beta *sniff*, therefore it is time to start saying goodbye to your alter-egos as they will soon be departing on a journey that they will never return from.

I have reports that something is afoot in Stormreach. The beasts are restless and angry at the imminent departure of the citizens they have come to know and relish fighting against. Because of the increased danger that can be experienced around the town, (we have heard that some monsters are finding their way to within the city gates!) so we have ensured that there will be lots of GMs moving throughout the worlds to aid people.

Leaving gifts will be given out to characters that will disappear into the ether tomorrow, so try and find a GM who will hopefully give you something nice

All of this will be starting around 5pm GMT this evening for a few hours, but be patient if they don't arrive in your world until a little later on!


Schedule for the next few days: (Disclaimer: Please do not hold us to these times as you never know what could happen!)

- The European beta will be shutting down at around 1pm GMT on Friday afternoon (24th February).
- The pre-order head start access keys will be activated between 9am - 12pm Noon GMT on Monday 27th February in order to give you plenty of time to set up your subscription to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ONLINE™
- Early/head start access will commence between 9am - 11am GMT on Tuesday 28th
- Early/head start access will be closing around 8AM Friday 3rd March
- Full retail access commences around 10AM Friday 3rd March
- Lyrandar, Boldrei and Aureon will be the available servers at head start and launch
- Dorn and Onatar will not be online until the 17th March as they are reserved for our French and German head start customers
- News on the times of French and German head start server access to come later

If you have any further questions not already covered elsewhere, then please let me know!




AW: Offizieller Post bzgl. Beta-Ende/head start event und Servern

WOooHA das ist rEkord im lEichenausgraben hier.
iCh denke das sollten harte sAnktionen in f0rm eines fiesen nUtzertitels drohen oder äHnliches. :augenreib: