DF free weekend


Das habe ich befürchtet und deswegen war ich nicht on. Die letzten Male als ich eingeloggt hatte stand ich jedesmal wie blöde da. Alle Punkte neu verteilen aber null Plan wie der aktuelle Stand ist. Am Ende halt irgendwas gemacht und schnell herausgefunden, dass es das nicht ist :/

Hab vorher schon gesagt, da liefen für meinen Geschmack zu viele Balancing Runden. Jetzt noch die ganze Item und Loot Geschichte. Da ist ein schnelles reinkommen echt schwierig, wenn man nicht 100% motiviert ist. Fadür bräuchte ich schon das Questsystem und ob das jemals kommt :/


Recht hast du. Geht mir auch so. Dann kommt noch dazu, dass man gefühlt ein Single Player MMO spielt. Da fehlt mir echt die Motivation.
Ich meine selbst Nanos hat keine Sub mehr am Laufen ;-)


Wieder nen Update zu Darkfall New Dawn. Diesmal mit ner Übersichtsseite zu den Entwicklern hinter dem Projekt http://darkfallnewdawn.com/about-us/ und ne allgemeine Zusammenfassung wohin das Projekt überhaupt gehen soll.

Core team members, daily session and beta watch newsletter
October 2, 2015
Ubergames 3 comments
Greetings former and future denizens of Agon.

A lot has happened behind the scenes since our last update, and while we still can’t say much about it, we are now confident enough to reveal our real life identities. Take a look at our improved about us page. We even put it on the forefront of the menu.

In addition, we have started the paper work for the creation of the company. This process should take a couple weeks, depending on our lawyers and bureaucracy delays. We will create the structure with enough capital to run the InDev server for at least 6 months. Whatever happens, there will be a vanilla Darkfall server for you guys to experience when the license deal gets signed.

Back to website updates, we have created a new page to describe what Darkfall is for players that never played it, but more importantly, to describe what a play session should look like in New Dawn.
It serves as a sort of summary of this entire website, and should show what our global vision actually is without forcing people to go through all the wall of texts we have written.
Take a look at our What is Darkfall: New Dawn? page.

We are still weeks, perhaps months, away from an actual server opening, so we decided to create a “Beta watch newsletter” aimed at people that do not want to be spamed daily but are still interested in the project’s outcome.
This newsletter will send only 3 types of emails.

  • To announce when the InDev server will open up.
  • To announce targeted Beta events.
  • To announce launch.
You can register to the beta watch through the form on the right of the page.

For those of you interested in interacting daily with us, we will be opening our own forums integrated with our AMS. Newdawnfall? ForumDawn? We’ll see if it gets its own nickname.

Of course, we will remain available on reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and the comment section of these news.

Have a nice week end, and see you next week.

Damn doch glatt im falschen Thread gepostet. Das sollte eigentlich im darunterliegenden "Darkfall Licensing" Thread landen.
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