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We are absolutely delighted to welcome you into the Chairman's Club - an elite coterie of kindred spirits. For your passion and dedication, our entire universe is a better place, and we revel in the opportunity to foster your continuing ingenuity, fortitude, and creativity.
From the finest dining and entertainment experiences, to once-in-a-lifetime vacations around the Empire, to personal shopping tailored to your style, we're here to connect you to all things exceptional.
Don't forget to drop into the dedicated Concierge Forum and Chat Channel to introduce yourself, and be sure to visit the official Chairman's Club website for more details and the chance to procure exclusive branded merchandise.
In-Game Rewards
As holder of the High Admiral rank, please enjoy these special in-game rewards. Jacopo Top Hat & Monocle: As part of their Dafne collection, Derion is proud to present their Jacopo line of accessories. Perfect for an elegant night on the town, this diamond-laminate monocle with tungsten chain and gossamer-lined top hat was commissioned in honor of the Port Retanus Metropolitan Opera House Quincentennial and features the latest upgradable optiVis interface for unmatched comfort.
Radegast Whiskey 2947 Homeward Limited-Edition: With an unparalleled reputation for crafting phenomenal whiskeys of uncompromising quality for over four centuries, Radegast Distillery is proud to announce the 2947 release of its Homeward Limited-Edition Collection 40 SEY. Under the careful watch of award-winning Master Distiller Hanshi Wilkes, Martian spirits are hand-blended and barreled in Angeli casks before being flown from Croshaw home to Port Renatus. The result is a 40-year-old dram that embraces the adventurous flavor profiles of Angeli with the traditional personality of a Martian whiskey; a drink worthy of coming home for.
Arclight II Laser Pistol Executive Edition: The pistol you wear on your hip is more than a mere tool, it is a statement, and the Executive Edition of Klaus & Werner’s famous Arclight II laser pistol might just be one of the boldest you can make. Gold inlay and detailing highlights the elegant design of this dependable sidearm that has graced the holsters of movie stars and Advocacy Agents alike who prefer this weapon for its fast rate of fire and reliable accuracy.
On Behalf of the Board of Trustees,
Information Director
Chairman's Club Headquarters
Central Core Bank
Earth, Sol Sytem
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