Sea of Thieves


Weiß man denn inzwischen etwas über das Endgame? Bzw. über die größeren Herausforderungen? Ich habe irgendwie Angst, dass es sehr schnell repetitiv wird.


Ich wäre zwar auch interessiert, aufgrund vieler positiver Einschätzungen, habe aber kein Windows 10.
Das war es dann leider erst mal beim Klabautermann.



Was kommt....
Trading Company
Legendary Pirate und Legendary Schiff und zugang zu einen Geheimversteck
Time Events
Deep character customization: The preorder bonus set is one example of clothing already made that is not in the beta. There are undoubtedly more. A Deckhand has confirmed we will be able to select our characters at launch, rather than be assigned a character like in the beta. Some clothes might be simply purchased. Some might be related to ranking up in a trading company (like the special shovel and compass for the Gold Hoarders in the beta). Others might be rewarded for achievements or activities beyond trading companies. A kraken-killer hat, anyone? We will find out soon.

Ship customization: Again, some examples are in the beta but assigned rather than chosen. There are at least 3 figureheads in the beta (lion, shark, and angler fish) with accompanying sail prints (fleur-de-lys, shark jaws, and beer mugs). Ship hulls vary by both color (brown, green, black) and quality (old and worn, new and gold-trimmed). A Comic Con art panel years ago showed other figureheads. In a shop of Daggertooth Outpost hangs a steering wheel with a monstrous eye and tentacles. There will be plenty of ship customization options at launch. This is what the shipwright NPC (at the end of each outpost dock) is presumably for. And, like pirate customization, these options could be acquired in a variety of ways.

Sea monsters: You can hear something big vocalizing in the beta sea. A kraken is part of the game's logo and depicted in rock paintings throughout the game. Other rock paintings depict giant sharks, giant parrots or eagles, and giant boar. It has not been revealed how players will encounter them. But I would not be surprised if they figured heavily into the launch trailer.

Wildlife: In addition to seagulls, the beta included rare examples of fish and bats. Chickens and snakes were shown in the progression trailer. There might be much more waiting for us at launch. Consider how only bananas could be eaten in the beta, but in my video is a beta screenshot of an apple and pineapple. Also, there are variations of interactive animals like sharks. Some have spears sticking out their backs. Might they vary by AI or difficulty as well?

More shops: In the beta at each outpost are two shops without shopkeepers -- a weapon shop and a potions shop. In your ship above the ammo crate is a weapons locker. I expect weapon variations are mostly cosmetic, but there must be a lot of them planned or ready for launch. Why have the locker if everything you own is equipped simultaneously? Nobody knows what the potions are for or if that's actually a magic shop offering more than potions.

More stuff: There's a fancy concertina lying around in the beta. There's a drum, which might or might not be an equipped instrument. Are the trophies of sharks and boar skulls just outpost ornaments? Or might we expect things like that to be available for the captain's cabin, like seen in sunken shipwrecks? There might be a lot more to buy and achieve than we know.

More trading companies: The beta only includes the Gold Hoarders seeking gold. At launch, that company might seek other kinds of treasure as well, like the golden goblet that was shown recovered from an underwater wreck in a trailer. Rare has also revealed the Order of Souls and Merchants Alliance trading companies. The Order of Souls offers bounties for the skulls of cursed skeletal captains (guarded by their crews). The Merchants Alliance is the reason for the watch in your pirate's inventory. They task the player with finding and transporting chickens, snakes, and explosive barrels of gunpowder. No matter what you are trafficking, other pirates might try to steal it (or, in the case of gunpowder, blow it up).

Ghost ships: We don't know what they are for, but one was shown at a Comic Con art panel years ago. Likewise, clouds can be made to look like skulls or other images. Not in the beta.

Underwater exploration: Some good videos are on YouTube showing underwater caves and reefs in the beta. I'll post one later of a submerged statue in Mermaid's Hideaway. What more is to come?

Community events: Rare has a live event manager who has been on some of the podcasts. What exactly are those events? How often will they occur? We will find out soon.

Furthermore, like any persistent multiplayer world, various elements will continue to be balanced after launch. Frequency of ship encounters, skeleton spawn rates and difficulty, lightning damage, wind patterns, etc.


Wenn ich es richtig in Erinnerung habe, ebenfalls extra Endgame Quests.

Finde es aber auch nicht wirklich gut, dass es nur über MS zu bekommen ist, nur Windows 10 und nicht gerade günstig.



hab es mir heute auch gegönnt.

Werde morgen Abend aber erst in See stechen können (19 GB Download).

Bis dahin

VG Rhoener / Christian

Ban Tier

Mal eine dumme Frage, kann man unter dem Windows Mist irgendwie Freunde hinzufügen oder wie könnte ich Euch im Spiel finden ?
Werde sicherlich nur ein Gelegenheitspirat sein, aber anspielen wollte ich es auf alle Fälle ...

Ban Tier

@Crixus : ich habe dich (glaube ich) geaddet, leider hat irgendwein Penner mein normales Alter-Ego geklaut und ich heiße in XBOX Baan Tier anstelle wie sonst überall Ban Tier.


mag jemand nen kurzen erfahrungsbericht abgeben? :) hab dem spiel eigentlich gespannt entgegengeschaut und auch ein klein wenig alpha gespielt (30 min oder so *g*), aber hat sich nie so richtig die zeit gefunden (danke fortnite :))..würd mich interessieren wie es sich nu so spielt *g*