Und noch ein Patch auf Blight am 1.4.


Danke an Seragon, der es schon gepostet hat.
Nun auch hier als News :)

The following will be applied to Blight during a 6am PST maintenance on April 1st.

-Optimized client code, expect performance increase of about 150%.
-Fixed memory leaks.
-Resources now properly unloads when unused.
-Initial load time cut by 70%. [more]
-Dragons eligable for flying now automaticly goes into flight mode if falling for more than 1 second.
-Characters doesn't get stuck casting or shooting an arrow.
-The reanimated dwarfs outside of Aughundell now counts towards the kill reanimated dwarf quests.
-LOD now increases performance when on.
-Backface culling now working properly.

-Unarmed mastery has been brought into line with weapons.
-Monster armor increased slightly.
-Spell damage increased to beyound that of normal weapons to compensate for low duration of casters.
-Hoard requirements are now cubic.
-Tier one spells now have hoard values of 20.
-Tier two objects now have a hoard value 27 times that of tier one.
-Tier three objects now have a hoard value 125 times that of tier one.
-Tier four objects now have a hoard value 343 times that of tier one.
-Adult dragons now have a 1.1 armor and damage modifier.
-Bow damage has been increased, archers now make viable additions to groups.
-There is now a time requirement to start the Rite of Passage.
-The monsters in the Deadlands have had thier ratings increased to represent the actual difficulty of them.
-The Avatar of Pain have had it's rating increased to represent the actual difficulty of it.
-The hoard leak has now stopped, we realized it was counterproductive.
-Ice Strike now deals additional ice damage, as we realized it was fairly pointless when you had Staggering Howl.
-Drain Strike now returns more health.
-Bows and crossbows now fire before thier delay.
-Bows and crossbows now recharge while running and walking, but at a slower speed.
-Eviseceration of Life now always hit unless blocked, resisted or evaded.
-Gale.pl have had it's probablity to reply to a thread increased.
-Dwarwen toughness now multiplies damage recieved by 50%
-Sslik Regeneraton now regenerates 1% of life every 6th second for 60 seconds.
-Galewind now has a knockback effect.
-Developers will now communicate with the community.
-Quest related NPC's will now spawn within 5 minutes regardless of actual spawn time if a player with the appropriate quest is within 500 meters of the spawn point.
-Cure Zymosis now lasts for 24 hours with a recycle of 60 seconds.
-All dragon crafting skill increases up by 1 point.
-Breath of Fire now does much more damage.
-All usable crafting techniques can now be added to dragon scales.
-A technique boosting the same statistic as the dragon scale can now be applied.
-Ambrosia vendors have been removed.
-Confectioner goods now reduce death point timer by one hour, and cancels death penalty.

-Dave Bowman can now be found in the Deadlands.
-Sniperwolf can now be found in Kion.
-Sniperwolf now sell the NERF Nite Finder formula.
-Sniperwolf now sell the NERF Air Tech formula.
-Sniperwolf now sell the NERF Rocket Pod formula.
-Air combat is now available.
-Rite of Passage for ancient dragons is in. The time requirement is 12 months.
-All monsters have been given new AI coding.
-Sword of Rendering manufactured and placed at the entrance of our coding facility.
-New event: "Armageddon" is in.
-More emotes, including but not limited to dancing and waving.
-Emotes may incorporate multiple creatures, examples being "thewave", "handshake" and "highfive".
-There is now a loot command, and an autoloot option.
-Dragons can now eat creatures whose bounding box is less than 1/10 the volume of the dragon. Bon Appetite!
-Character collision is active in combat.
-Consigner and Pawnbroker can now sort after coin/hoard efficiency.
-Silos are now nominal.[/more]