Turbine kauft AC Rechte


Als Weihnachtsüberraschung verkündet Turbine Entertainment, dass sie die kompletten Rechte an Asheron's Call (AC1, ACDM, AC2) von Microsoft Game Studios gekauft haben. Der entgültige Transfer wird jedoch noch einige Zeit dauern. Die Entwicklung an den Spielen soll in dieser Zeit wie gewohnt weiterlaufen. Turbine kündigt in diesem Zug die Arbeit an einem weiteren Add-On samt Überarbeitung der Grafik für Asheron's Call an. Die komplette Meldung hierzu könnt ihr weiter unten lesen.[more]


WESTWOOD, Mass. – Dec. 17, 2003 – Turbine Entertainment Software Corp., a leading developer and publisher of online subscription entertainment, announced today that it signed a final agreement to purchase the complete Asheron’s Call massively multiplayer online game franchise from Microsoft® Game Studios. The franchise transfer includes all Asheron’s Call intellectual properties, including Asheron’s Call®, Asheron’s Call®: Dark Majesty and Asheron’s Call 2®: Fallen Kings™.

Asheron’s Call is a critically acclaimed franchise that brings thousands of players together within a dynamic, evolving fantasy world. The original title launched in 1999 and since spawned an expansion pack, Asheron’s Call: Dark Majesty, and an award-winning sequel, Asheron’s Call 2: Fallen Kings. The Asheron’s Call franchise is best known for its episodic updates, provided by Turbine, that add new additional game features, dungeons, trophy items, hunting areas and storyline content every month.

Turbine Entertainment Software created the idea and concepts for Asheron’s Call prior to teaming up with Microsoft. The two companies formed a relationship in 1996 that led to the launch of the first Asheron’s Call title.

“As the franchise’s creator, Turbine has always felt a tremendous obligation to Asheron’s Call and the people who play it,” said Jeffrey Anderson, president and CEO, Turbine Entertainment Software. “We’re excited to have the opportunity to build upon the success that the Asheron’s Call franchise reached under Microsoft’s management.”

The complete change of ownership is expected to take nearly a year. During this transition period, Microsoft will be less and less involved, eventually transferring all of the services back to Turbine, including testing, customer service and billing services.

In preparation for the franchise’s arrival, Turbine has been building a customer service group to manage its games’ day-to-day operations. Over the next year, the company will assume all responsibility for Asheron’s Call and Asheron’s Call 2 game and player support, including customer service, tech support, quality assurance and a new billing system. Specific details and dates regarding on-going operations of the Asheron’s Call franchise will be announced in the near future.

About Turbine Entertainment Software

Turbine Entertainment Software Corporation is a leading provider of online subscription entertainment. Formed in 1994 and employing more than 120 employees, the company is the largest and oldest online studio in New England. The company’s propriety technology, the Turbine Engine®, generates some of the most sophisticated 3-D graphics in the world, producing such memorable projects as Asheron’s Call®, Asheron’s Call®: Dark Majesty and Asheron’s Call 2®: Fallen Kings™. Turbine is currently developing The Lord of the Rings: Middle-Earth™ Online and Dungeons & Dragons® Online. For more information, visit the company’s web site at www.turbinegames.com.