Tastaturbelegungen - Daumenstickachsen ignorieren - How to


Huhu Ihr!

Habe mein Problem endlich gelöst bekommen, habe nur nicht durchgeblickt mit den vielen Untermenüs in Star Citizen.

Hier ein Link als Depot zu meinem Post im offiziellen Forum.
Kopiere hier nur den letzten Beitrag rein, mit dem Lösungstipp, vielleicht wird das noch für jemand anderen interessant :)


I just want the game to recognize the simple key strokes I programmed inside the Saitek Profiling Software, not the axis movement itself.

Input Devices:
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Saitek Command Unit for Left hand (with 4-way stick)

Another update: To get it working exactly the way I want it to, by still having normal key presses assigned to the strafe functions AND to the 4-way axis. You have to do these three steps (when having my input devices):

1. Go to Options Keybindings - Advanced control Options - Joystick/Hotas => Flight - Movement

There search for Pitch and Yaw which will have "x" and "y" next to them. (recognized axis)
Unbind those Bindings.

2. Go to Options Keybindings - Advanced control Options - Keyboard + Mouse => Flight - Movement

Search for the strafe settings and check if the default keys are set:

Strafe Up R
Strafe Down F
Strafe Left Q
Strafe Right E

3. Go into the Saitek Command Unit Profile Manager and set the axis of the stick to "Bands" and then program your normal key presses RFQE to the end ranges of the axis.

Result: You can now again ignore the axis of your thumbs stick on the Saitek Unit and it will just recognize the key-presses executed when moving the axis all the way in each direction.

This also allows me to use these keys in other situations, like "F" for interaction which is not possible if I use the sticks axis-function for strafing movements.