Passt das hier ? Witze ?


New Member
Irgendwie fehlt hier was im Forum ... off topic Bereich .. wie auch immer ich poste hier mal eine Kollage vom Board meiner alten Gilde Winter`s Legacy.

Dazu muss man wissen, dass es in EQ Katzenwesen namens Vah Shir gibt und der Thread einer Mitspielerin gewidmet ist, die von allen Purr genannt wird 8)

Kitty joke for Purr

Cleaning the Toilet

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl.

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close both lids. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a "power-wash" and rinse".

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door.

7. Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift both lids.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean.


Tried this about 30 minutes ago and my toilet has never looked so good. Thanks Raisin =) .

On a side note i didnt see my cat run out tho . I might have to open the lid on our septic system to get her back =/


thats just .... wrong....

------------------ this I gotta try.


Could you specify the size of the cat next time please. It seems that the cat i used was to small it went down the chute on the 2nd flush. had to call the city sewer to retreive him from the city drain lines:(( But man is my toilet clean. and as a side note the manx cat variety has better scrubbing action!


Nicht dass ich denke, wir sind ein humorloser Haufen ;)



New Member
dann ist ja gut

hier noch ein Versuch etwas zu linken :

war meine EQ Lieblings Comic Seite, haben jetzt natürlich viel WoW.

Viel Spass beim stöbern


ich würde gern ein paar von den Bildern hier uploaden, wie macht man sowas ?

Hier noch ein besonders lustiges Bild : Klick


Die sind klein genug, kannste einfach als Dateianhang dranhängen :) Der Button in der Mitte unter dem Texteingabefelt beim Beitrag erstellen.


New Member

Test. Gibt leider einen Fehler :( Habe auf das Feld hier unten in der Mitte geklickt, dann das Bild gewählt und das scheint nicht hochgeladen zu werden. Es wird etwas als unknown bezeichnet mit dem Namen der Bilddatei dahinter ?(

Sie erscheinen ja doch, ich muss es wohl noch etwas verbessern, mit edit scheint das aber nicht zu gehn ...

edit Teldan: das war 2x das gleiche Bild, hab eines entfernt


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George lässt grüssen

Private Jones was assigned to the Army induction center, where he was to advise new recruits about their government benefits, especially their Serviceman's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). It wasn't long before the center's Lieutenant noticed that Private Jones had almost a 100% record for insurance sales, which had never happened before. Rather than ask about this, the Lt. stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones's sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the SGLI to the new recruits, and then said. "If you have SGLI and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay $200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don't have SGLI, and you go into battle and get killed, the government has to pay only a maximum of $6000." "Now," he concluded, "which bunch do you think they are going to send into battle first?"