

AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Meine Lösung:

This combination is also referred to as the Field Marshal playstyle.
You don't care about what type of role you play--you only care about success. You tend to spend a lot of time on the metagame, learning about effective strategies and build concepts. People tend to ask you a lot of advice, and it's your recognition as being a knowledgeable player that attracts people to your guild and groups.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Meine Lösung:


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.

You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.


Active Member
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

fast das gleiche wie Turwen:, nur der Titel ist andersrum:


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.

You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Ich bin das gleiche wie Moni .. *sigh*

EDIT : Ach die Begriffe koennen sich vertauschen .. mist - dachte mir doch das der Text irgendwie anders war..

Somit war ich Stragegist-Organizer .. falls jemand den Text hat mal posten ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

ui, hab' was neues ;)


This combination is also referred to as the Toymaker playstyle.
You are the go-to person for cool stuff. You enjoy understanding all of the nuances of the game, and want to leave their own imprint on it. They like to create things for games.both in and out of the environment. Inside games, they are crafters and city-builders; they might also make mods and skins for games.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.

You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Hab auch was Neues:


This combination is also referred to as the Jack-of-all-Trades playstyle. You are the type of player who likes to fill whatever role is needed in a group; you're not necessarily an expert on all aspects of the game, but you've dabbled with enough that you're comfortable taking on many different challenges. In games that allow multiple types of roles, you probably have several that you switch between depending on the situation. Those who are more interested in guiding and leading the organization look to you as a great resource.

Bin ich mit einverstanden ;)


New Member
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Meine Lösung:


This combination is also referred to as the Quartermaster playstyle.

You have fun when you make the game fun for others. You tend to be fairly social, and you've taken the time to learn how to make things for other players, and you're interested in playing roles that allow you to support groups. You've been known to work on creating things inside games, only to give them away to help their friends.

Eigentlich recht untypisch auch, dass ich in HDRO einen Waffenmeister (Damätsch-Dieler) spiele... ich mach wirklich lieber die Buffer, weswegen ich wohl auch heute einen Hauptmann als Twink angefangen hab.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.
You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.

Hehe, kein Wunder warum das immer bei uns so gut klappt :D


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

ich wäre :


This combination is also referred to as the Quarterback playstyle.

You enjoy figuring out the best means of winning in a situation, and you're ready to take on the harder or more obscure jobs to make sure that your plan comes together. You might not be out in front all the time, but you enjoy the recognition that comes with being the bedrock of a team. You'll often be the one calling the tactical shots in the middle of an encounter.

ist ja eine ganz interessante sache mit den fragen :)


New Member
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Jack-of-all-Trades playstyle. You are the type of player who likes to fill whatever role is needed in a group; you're not necessarily an expert on all aspects of the game, but you've dabbled with enough that you're comfortable taking on many different challenges. In games that allow multiple types of roles, you probably have several that you switch between depending on the situation. Those who are more interested in guiding and leading the organization look to you as a great resource.



AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.

You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.


AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Quarterback playstyle.

You enjoy figuring out the best means of winning in a situation, and you're ready to take on the harder or more obscure jobs to make sure that your plan comes together. You might not be out in front all the time, but you enjoy the recognition that comes with being the bedrock of a team. You'll often be the one calling the tactical shots in the middle of an encounter.


TESO - Gildenmitglied
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest


This combination is also referred to as the Impresario playstyle.

You provide a foundation for other players to enjoy the game. You tend to help other people achieve their goals before you do things for yourself, hoping to reap later rewards in the form of loyalty and dedication to growing a guild or clan.

Passt ja, das ich ausschließlich Heiler spiele ;)


New Member
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Und bei mir:

Supporter - Virtuoso

Wenn ich so den Text dazu lese, ja das koennt sogar passen .... :)



BdW-Beta Mistress
AW: Gildenpersönlichkeitstest

Na wenn`s schlank macht....


This combination is also referred to as the Field Marshal playstyle.
You don't care about what type of role you play--you only care about success. You tend to spend a lot of time on the metagame, learning about effective strategies and build concepts. People tend to ask you a lot of advice, and it's your recognition as being a knowledgeable player that attracts people to your guild and groups.