[Fun] Jedi Test


New Member
Hier erfahrt Ihr welche Seite der Macht am besten zu Euch passt. ;)

Ich für meinen Teil bin noch neutral :rolleye::

Beware of the Dark side

Ooohh - you must tread very carefully on the path of life. The battle between Light and Dark is raging over you. Your soul is finely balanced and you are vulnerable. You can feel the force - but you are also weak to the powers of the Dark side. It is hard to see: easy and tempting. But once you start on that path your fate is decided. Be wary!


⃰⃰*22.02.1971 †14.01.2014
Hang on – you’re cheating… Not even Luke Skywalker or Jolee Bindo achieves a Jedi score like that! You may be good but you can’t be that perfect. Go back and take the test again – and this time answer with truth in they heart my child…

Öhm, ich hab aber nach besten Wissen und Gewissen geantwortet. :rolleye:


TESO - Gildenmitglied
Die Fragen sind auch selten dämlich gewählt... Man hat ja kaum die Chance böse zu sein wenn man nicht gleich der Typ ist, der eigentlich in eine Anstalt gehört.


Hmm also gehöre auch zur guten Seite (da sieht man das der Test Schwachsinn ist :badevil: ).

Naja aber, denke Nebelmond hat recht.


Ooohh - you must tread very carefully on the path of life. The battle between Light and Dark is raging over you. Your soul is finely balanced and you are vulnerable. You can feel the force - but you are also weak to the powers of the Dark side. It is hard to see: easy and tempting. But once you start on that path your fate is decided. Be wary!

Und ich dachte, ich bin gut ... "ein tief erschütterter Elch" :elch: :badevil:


We can detect the Force in you. You are concerned with the welfare of others rather than with power, fortune, and personal gain. You are a good person – but remember to train your spirit and mind to follow the path into the light and enjoy a free life. Go forth and realise thy destiny my child, and be careful with thy pink sabre of light.

Haha. Super, erst darf ich mir das Geplaerre wegen der goldenen Ruestung anhoeren und jetzt krieg ich nen rosa Lichtschwert. Hoffentlich verklagt mich nicht der rosa Riese.. aber die "t" sind ja zum Glueck klein ;).


39 Force Points:
We can detect the Force in you. You are concerned with the welfare of others rather than with power, fortune, and personal gain. You are a good person – but remember to train your spirit and mind to follow the path into the light and enjoy a free life. Go forth and realise thy destiny my child, and be careful with thy pink sabre of light.
pink sabre of light .. ? .. na super .. *knick*


Fear, anger, aggression. These you feel strongly. These all lead to the Dark Side, and the Dark side leads to destruction. Destruction of others - and of yourself. You must fight the natural evil within you and begin your Jedi training now - or you will be lost to the Dark side. Plus it's very messy trying to eat in the dark side.

Oops... :rolleye: :badevil:


New Member
Nujo, mir gehts wie Beo und manchen andern wohl auch! :rolleye: Und das obwohl ich zugegeben habe, ne Spinne erlegt zu haben :menno:


Ahh… you are a rare positive force in the world - a true Jedi who knows that his talents must only be used for good. Your powers are strong - you will never be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force. Stay true young padawan on the path to serenity. We are blessed to have Knights like you protecting us.

Juhu, wo bekomm ich mein Laserschwert ? ;D



Fear, anger, aggression. These you feel strongly. These all lead to the Dark Side, and the Dark side leads to destruction. Destruction of others - and of yourself. You must fight the natural evil within you and begin your Jedi training now - or you will be lost to the Dark side. Plus it's very messy trying to eat in the dark side.

aber ich bin doch immer ganz lieb *schnüff* :menno:


Result: 51

Ooohh - you must tread very carefully on the path of life. The battle between Light and Dark is raging over you. Your soul is finely balanced and you are vulnerable. You can feel the force - but you are also weak to the powers of the Dark side. It is hard to see: easy and tempting. But once you start on that path your fate is decided. Be wary!
