[FUN] Guter Geschmack


TESO - Gildenmitglied
I am sweet, like Sugar. I am all sweetness and light; fluffy bunnies and dancing fairies; happiness and joy. Too much of me will make you sick. What Flavour Are You?


Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain.
Bin a ganz braver bub ;D


I taste like Peanut Butter.

I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome.

(If you were not Peanut Butter you would be Sugar.)

ERDNUSSBUTTER ???? :wallbash: :wallbash: Ich wußte ja, das ich zu fett bin, aber das bei einem Psychotest rauszubekommen .... :motz: ;(
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


New Member
Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain.

(If you were not Tea you would be Coffee.)

hmm auch tee...



I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking.

(If you were not Bread you would be Tea.)


I am Chocolate Flavoured.

I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt.


New Member
I am Chocolate Flavoured.

I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt.

Irgendwas hab ich falsch gemacht!? :gruebel:
Aber was weiß so ein blöder Test schon über mich?


*hmm* ist was wahres dran ..


Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain.

(If you were not Tea you would be Vanilla.)


Hm also der Test ist doof :rolleye:

<A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour.pl"><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100 SRC="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour/1.png" ALT="What Flavour Are You? I am Vanilla Flavoured." /></A>I am <B>Vanilla</B> Flavoured.<BR /><BR />
I am one of the most popular flavours in the world. Subtle and smooth, I go reasonably with anyone, and rarely do anything to offend. I can be expected to be blending in in society. <A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour.pl">What Flavour Are You?</A>

<A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour.pl"><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=100 SRC="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour/0.png" ALT="What Flavour Are You? Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured." /></A>Mmm, I am <B>Lemon</B> Flavoured.<BR /><BR />
I am bitter and twisted. Expect from me acerbic humour and sharp commentary. While I may seem nasty at first, I'm actually quite good company if I like you, so long as you don't mind a bit of cutting to the chase. <A HREF="http://quiz.ravenblack.net/flavour.pl">What Flavour Are You?</A>


I am sweet, like Sugar.

I am all sweetness and light; fluffy bunnies and dancing fairies; happiness and joy. Too much of me will make you sick.

(If you were not Sugar you would be Bread.)


New Member
:ohoh:I taste like Peanut Butter.

I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome.

(If you were not Peanut Butter you would be Curry.)

Urgs ich hab das selbe wie Heldi o_O :ohoh: 8o 8o 8o 8o 8o ;( ;( ;(

Soll mir das jett sagen das ich fies un gemein bin? :menno: :menno: :rolleye:

Neeeeeeee Heldi ist fies und gemein ich bin lieb und nett :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :P :P

Zum Glück wäre ich als zweites Curry und net Zucker wien die eine bestimmte Fianna :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:


New Member
Hot hot! I am Curry Flavoured.

I have a spicy personality. If you can take the heat, you'll love me, if not, I'll probably make you cry. I am not for the faint-hearted.

So mal was neues :-)


New Member
I taste like Beef.

I taste like beef. I'm probably made of beef. You are what you eat, they say, and if the title didn't mean something else, I would be a beefeater. I think red meat is good for you. Puts hair on your chest.

Also ich weiß ja nich ob mir das gerecht wird :dance: